Jupiter Artland

Edinburgh EH27 8BY
13.1 mi (24 mins) from Rosyth
8.1 mi (23 mins) from South Queensferry
14.3 mi (39 mins) from Leith
13.8 mi (36 mins) from Newhaven
() from Dundee
Tel: 01506 889900
Email: hire@jupiterartland.org
Web: www.jupiterartland.org
Jupiter Artland is a 120 acre sculpture park that provides a unique outing for people visiting central Scotland. Located just outside Edinburgh, 10 minutes from the M9 we are easily accessible while removing the need to contend with city centre traffic.A guided tour offers a fantastic way to explore Jupiter Artland and you will learn so much about your surroundings. A tour generally lasts 1-1.5hours but can be tailored to suit your availability. You can then enjoy lunch overlook the farmland and the three Forth bridges or head for our amazing Café Party.
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