Cruise Forth

Fife Pilgrim Way Walks

Fife Pilgrim Way Walks

Kirkcaldy KY1 2TQ

18.5 mi (25 mins) from Rosyth
22.7 mi (32 mins) from South Queensferry
30.8 mi (50 mins) from Leith
30.3 mi (46 mins) from Newhaven
29.9 mi (47 mins) from Dundee

Tel: 01592 656080

Guided walks along the Fife Pilgrim Way with Duncan, the Pilgrim Pastor, which will give an opportunity to discover something of the history and spiritual heritage of the Pilgrimage Kingdom of Fife as well as taking in the beauty of this area and its gentle undulating landscape. There will also be opportunities to reflect on what motivated pilgrims past and present.
Examples: Rosyth to Dunfermline Abbey a gentle and easy 4 mile walk to the historic city and place of Pilgrimage.
Craigtoun to St Andrews: A gentle downhill 3 mile walk from the edge of this famous town into its heart and to the cathedral where thousands of pilgrims once visited annually.
For guests arriving at ports for Edinburgh and Dundee this unique walking opportunity is within easy reach

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