Cruise Forth

Kingarrock (Hickory) Golf Club

Forester's Cottage
Hill of Tarvit
Cupar KY15 5PB

31.5 mi (51 mins) from Rosyth
33.5 mi (50 mins) from South Queensferry
43.5 mi (1 hour 9 mins) from Leith
42.5 mi (1 hour 3 mins) from Newhaven
17.0 mi (31 mins) from Dundee

Tel: 01334 653421

Kingarrock offers a round of golf with a difference - all players will be provided with original hickory clubs, an old golf bag, together with balls and tees to represent the early 20th century golfing experience.

The course offers nine holes spread over 2022 yards.

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